Tuesday, January 18, 2011

persian girls and boys are hot!_iranian dances_iranian celebs and models (sexy clips)

ok then lets star first of all iranian womens are beautiful but to bad they are cover'd under hijab or so im gonna show usome videos of some iranian girls and boys so you can see how hot we are ;)
i hope you enjoye them :)



the cutest girl i ever seen

5-Indian Vs Arab Vs Iranian beauty

6-persian models HOT !!!


8-realy hot and pure persian girls :XXXX

9-realy hot if i were you woulden't miss this video !

10-ok now these persian men and womens are realy hot !

11-persian celebrity




ok now lets go to iranian dances of cours iranians have a lot of Traditional dances but in different Regions of persia dances are different we have kordish dances and shiraz dances and...
these videos are a few dances of iranian girls



oh and iranians have a Traditional dance for wedings that beautiful womans must dance with a knife



6-and watch this video too i couldnt put it in blog so i puted a link go see this wonderful girl dancing


ok don't forget to comment and i trying my best to show you guys that iran isn't that bad as you guys think 40 years ago we were free all girl were naked in the streets and we were free and we have the best rugs and persian cats the oldest history in the world and pestachio and sugar was founded by iranian's and the best crocus
but to bad no one in the world dosent know that we have one of the bigest diamond named the see of light and there is another diamond named Mountain of light that this diamond is in england but it once was in iran i dont know how it landed to england ! and we are realy peaceful peopel and our country is one of the bigest petroleum countries in Middle East of asia and with these details we shold be one of the famous countries but thanks to islamic republic we are not !
and if one day iran regains it's freedom again that day would be the greatest day in my life ! so i hope you enjoyed the videos.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

persian rappers

hey every body i'm kevin i'm live in iran and i made this blog too show you guys that iran isn't that bad as every one says iran has peace full peopel and the only problem in iran is islamic repulic anyway today im going too put some persian rappers only famous one's iran has manny rappers but i show you only a few of them
the first one is erfan he is awesome and then zedbazi and then mojan , mojans rap is kind of diffrent with the other iranian rappers anyway see it your self i hope yuo enjoy them


i dont know what you think about erfan but i love zadbazi they sing sad songs when you here them you will love them erfans sings cool and raps better then zedbazi but i love zedbazi more and there is a girl named nasim in zedbazi shes so hot im telling u and this guy mehran hidden hes sound is great !!!
and mojan rocks totally !!!


oh you won;t belive me the girl in the car is my cousin she lives in new york

so i think thats inof for too day

dont forget too coment :)

next time im gonna show you iranian girls :XXXXXXXXXXX.